Luther J. DuPree Jr.


Bishop Luther J. DuPree Jr. received his appointment as Bishop Designee for the Northern Nevada Churches of God in Christ in April 2009 and was consecrated in the office of Jurisdictional Prelate at the National Church of God in Christ Holy Convocation in Memphis, Tennessee, on November 9, 2009.

Bishop Luther J. DuPree Jr., the son of the late Luther F. DuPree and Josephine Broughton DuPree, was born and raised, along with twenty-one other siblings, in Kingstree, South Carolina. He migrated to Reno Nevada in 1965 where at the age of nineteen, through a miraculous experience, God saved him. He received the Holy Ghost in a revival in June of 1965 and thereafter accepted his call to the ministry. In 1966, Bishop Luther J.  DuPree Jr. was united in marriage to Missionary Jennifer Morgan who was born in Monroe, Louisiana in 1948 and later moved to Sparks, Nevada with her parents.

Bishop Luther J.  DuPree Jr. trained and served in the local church and the State of Nevada Churches of God in Christ under the leadership of the late Bishop E.N. Webb. In 1971, Bishop E.N. Webb placed him as pastor at the Trinity Temple Church of God in Christ in Hawthorne, Nevada where he, his wife, children, and other family members served faithfully until 1977 when the Lord inspired them to move and continue in ministry in the City of Sparks, Nevada. There they started the Rehoboth Church of God in Christ and served until their appointment at the Holy Temple Church of God in Christ in 1979. Upon the death of Bishop E.N. Webb, they continued to serve the State of Nevada under the leadership of Bishop Carruth Hall.

Bishop Luther J.  DuPree Jr. has served in various positions in ministry, i.e., District Superintendent, Administrative Assistant to the State Bishop, Elder’s Council Board member, Ordination Board member, and Executive Board member of the Nevada State Churches of God in Christ. As District Superintendent, he has set up several churches in the Northern Nevada area and presently oversees 4 to 5 churches in the Reno/Sparks, Washoe County area. He holds a Master’s degree in Bible Theology and a Bachelor of Bible Theology from the International Bible Institute & Seminary. He received a Pastor of Theology Certificate from the International Bible Institute and a Master Teachers Certificate from the Charles Harrison Mason System Bible College. Bishop Luther J.  DuPree Jr., received his Doctorate in Theology on May 19, 2012, from the Sacramento Theological Bible and Seminary School in Sacramento, California. He has served on various Boards in the City as director, chairperson, and general member. Bishop Luther J.  DuPree Jr. served in the United States Army from 1966-1968. He has previously served as a Chaplin for the Reno, Sparks, Washoe County Law Enforcement Agency.

Bishop and Lady DuPree are Holy Ghost-filled, powerhouse believers who are unafraid of preaching the unadulterated word of God to all. They have a heart and a hunger to see miracles performed as souls are saved, backsliders reclaimed, and habitual addicts convicted and converted as the power of God moves among them.

Bishop and Lady DuPree have been blessed with eight children, three of them were called home in infancy; nineteen grandchildren, one of them was called home in infancy, and ten great-grandchildren.